Hire a civil liability policy to be aware of the legal obligations inherent to this activity. As well as others related to data protection, occupational risk prevention. Or environmental conservation. It will also cover the contingencies that may arise. From providing these services, where corrosive or toxic materials are sometimes used. You can start a cleaning business with very little money, but if you want to go big you will require a lot of capital. We will give you an approximate sum of what you need to invest for both cases. In the event that you do not have much money to start
Professional cleaning card: Professional Cleaning Card
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Business plan for a cleaning company
The control of the expenses related to the hiring of personnel, the constitution as a company. The rent of the warehouse or the premises, or the commercialization. And promotion of cleaning services is vital to know if a cleaning company is profitable . Yet, about these expenses, it is necessary to carry out an organization. Or coordination of the following elements:
Personnel : the salary of the workers, together with the social security payments. That increase this amount must take into account when preparing a large workforce. And that, in the end, will be one of the expenses with the greatest volume within this type of companies.
Revenue – like in any business, customer management and acquisition is vital.
To do this, comprehensive services can provide. Or combined with other complementary services that help increase income. It will also be important to work with services. That favor the recurrence of customers, to achieve their loyalty.
Machinery and equipment: cleaning work requires brushes, cleaning products, vacuum cleaners. And endless machinery that must rent or purchased. In this sense, other expenses. Such as gloves or uniforms for workers must add, so these expenses must count. Besides, they may increase if transportation need for transfers or office supplies.
If you are interest in setting up a Rengøring Erhverv. And want to train for it, we recommend that you consult our extensive catalog of courses. And masters on cleaning or hygiene , to get the professional skills you need. In the same way, we put at your disposal our blog so that you know all the news of any sector. Based on the business to develop, the location of the cleaning company must take into account. So, it is necessary to expect what the demands of the clients will be. And if transfers will must to provide their services. In the same way, in line with the infrastructures. It is also required to carry out the business to have a warehouse to store the materials.
Analyze the closest competition
Track their marketing strategies, their work method. And the services they offer to customers. Follow this same strategy not only in the most physical aspect. But also in the most online way, and also install online marketing strategies.
It controls the work processes within the cleaning company. To optimize cleaning and disinfection tasks, optimizing work time. And thus improving the performance of its human capital.