Buying a computer for business is a completely different prospect from buying one for personal use. While machines and specs these days have increased exponentially from even just ten years ago, there are some core criteria you should consider when you’re buying a machine purely for business use.
The world of business has transformed over the last twenty or so years, with an increasing move towards digitalization, to the point many industry experts suggest we may well be on the cusp of a fourth industrial revolution (or, the so-called Industry 4.0).
With this increasing reliance on tech, you should aim to buy the right machine – one that’s fit for your purpose and suitable for your requirements.
Choosing Your Next Work PC
If you’re in the market for a new work PC, below are just a few considerations you should factor into your choices:
Portability: While tech has made huge advances in recent years in terms of miniaturization and cramming higher-spec processors and more capacious storage into smaller spaces, as a general rule, desktop machines still trump their laptop counterparts when it comes to capabilities. Of course, you could always draw on the massive potential of cloud-based computing, but that means being reliant on a web connection. The bottom line is that, if you’re looking for true processing grunt and storage, you won’t do much better than investing in Lenovo Workstations.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer is where all the true grunt work happens. This speed is generally measured in Gigahertz (GHz), and the higher number you choose, the faster your computer will perform. Depending on how you intend to use your PC, it’s almost always a better idea to go as high as you can, depending on your budget. The CPU is a powerful chip that lies at the heart of your computer and can have a dramatic effect on what it can perform – not to mention how quickly it can carry out tasks.
Random Access Memory (RAM): The Random Access Memory (RAM) of your computer is essentially its working memory. This is the area that’s put to use when you’re working on documents. For example, if you open a Word doc, it’s temporarily transferred into the RAM from the hard drive, then transferred back when you click ‘save’. Again, the general rule of thumb here is to try and buy a machine with the highest RAM possible. Buying a high-end machine will guarantee high RAM capabilities. Hard drive: While RAM is your computer’s temporary memory, the hard drive is its permanent storage space and usually holds your documents, applications, Operating System (OS), etc. While there has been a growing trend in recent years to move towards cloud-based solutions for apps and storage, it’s still always a good idea to invest in a capacious hard drive so you always have access to your important docs. Hard drives tend to be measured in either Gigabytes (Gb) or Terabytes (Tb).